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A considerable number of species of the possess multiple copies of the 16S rRNA gene that exhibit more than 5 % divergence, complicating phylogenetic interpretations. Two additional problems have been pointed out: (i) the genera and show a very close relationship, with some species being shown to overlap in phylogenetic trees reconstructed by the neighbour-joining method, and (ii) alkaliphilic and neutrophilic species of the genus form definitely separate clusters in neighbour-joining trees, suggesting that these two clusters could be separated into two genera. In an attempt to solve these problems, the RNA polymerase B′ subunit has been used as an additional target molecule for phylogenetic analysis, using partial sequences of 1305 bp. In this work, a primer set was designed that consistently amplified the full-length RNA polymerase B′ subunit gene (′) (1827–1842 bp) from 85 strains in 27 genera of the . Differences in sequence length were found within the first 15 to 31 nt, and their downstream sequences (1812 bp) were aligned unambiguously without any gaps or deletions. Phylogenetic trees reconstructed from nucleotide sequences and deduced amino acid sequences by the maximum-likelihood method demonstrated that multiple species/strains in most genera individually formed cohesive clusters. Two discrepancies were observed: (i) the two species of were placed in definitely different positions, in that was placed in the / cluster, while was closely related to , and (ii) was segregated from the three other species in the protein tree, while all four species formed a cluster in the gene tree, although supported by a bootstrap value of less than 50 %. The six species/strains and the five species of formed a large cluster in both trees, with and located in the cluster in the protein tree and in the gene tree. broke into the cluster of the genus , instead of the / cluster, in the gene tree. The six species formed a tight cluster with two subclusters, of neutrophilic species and alkaliphilic species, in both trees. Overall, our data strongly suggest that (i) is a member of /, (ii) might represent a new genus and (iii) the two genera and might constitute a single genus. As more and more novel species and genera are proposed in the family , the full sequence of the ′ gene may provide a supplementary tool for determining the phylogenetic position of new isolates.


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