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Four Gram-positive, catalase-negative, short rod-shaped or coccoid, heterofermentative lactic acid bacterial strains (2L24P13, 1L48P15, 1L24P31 and 1L24P34) with unusual phenotypic and genotypic properties were isolated from submerged fermenting cassava on MRS agar. All strains were motile, grew at 15 °C, produced -lactic acid from glucose with gas formation and produced ammonia from arginine. Acid was produced from -fructose, -galactose, -glucose, lactose, maltose, -mannose, melibiose, -raffinose, sucrose, -acetylglucosamine and -mannitol, but not from -arabinose or xylose. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that the strains belonged to the genus and were most closely related to LMG 24286 Low DNA−DNA reassociation values were obtained between the isolates and DSM 19935. Based on the genetic and phenotypic results, the strains are considered to represent a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is 2L24P13 (=DSM 22752=LMG 25373).


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