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A Gram-staining-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped, non-spore-forming bacterial strain, Ca-34, was isolated from nodules of chickpea () in Pakistan and studied for its taxonomic affiliation. The almost full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence showed highest similarities to those of strains of the genus . Based on results of MALDI-TOF MS and 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity (98.6 %), strain Ca-34 and LMG 3301 are phylogenetic neighbours; the two strains shared DNA–DNA relatedness of 64 %. The fatty acid profile [predominantly C 7 (67.7 %) and C cyclo 8 (19.6 %)] also supported the genus affiliation. Metabolically, strain Ca-34 differed from other type strains of in many reactions and from all type strains in testing positive for gelatin hydrolysis and in testing negative for assimilation of alaninamide and -threonine. Based on phenotypic and genotypic data, we conclude that strain Ca-34 represents a novel species, for which we propose the name sp. nov. (type strain Ca-34 =DSM 22292 =CCUG 57879).


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