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An obligately anaerobic, Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterial strain, designated SL206, was isolated from pear orchard soils. Strain SL206 cells were straight or slightly curved rods, with motility by peritrichate flagella. Cell walls contained -diaminopimelic acid; wall sugars were glucose, rhamnose and mannose. The major fatty acids were C, C 9 and summed feature 10 (containing C 11/9/6). API 20A reactions were negative for oxidase, catalase and acid production from -rhamnose, sucrose, trehalose, -xylose, melezitose, salicin and -sorbitol, and positive for acid production from -glucose, sucrose, maltose, -mannose and raffinose. Glucose was fermented to acetate, butyrate, CO, H and ethanol in culture. The GC content of the genomic DNA was 31.1 mol%. Based on comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolate belonged to the genus and formed a clade with . The species most closely related to strain SL206 were (98.6 % similarity) and (97.8 % similarity). In DNA–DNA relatedness studies, the isolate had 59.5 % relatedness with and thus represented a unique species. On the basis of these studies, strain SL206 (=KCTC 5449 =JCM 14858) is proposed to represent the type strain of a novel species, sp. nov.


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