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, and were described for strains isolated from fruit and soil originating in Japan. These three ‘Japanese’ species have been shown to be phylogenetically distant from other species of the genus . It has been observed previously that, using multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), the ‘Japanese’ species consistently formed a distinct clade with an extended branch length, casting doubt on the inclusion of these species within the genus . Furthermore, the ‘Japanese’ species are closely related to , strains of which originate from human clinical specimens. DNA–DNA hybridization and phenotypic tests confirmed the observed phylogenetic distance of , and from the genus and the affiliation of these species with . In addition, strains causing pink disease of pineapple, identified previously as , were shown to represent a separate species by using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, and MLSA and DNA–DNA hybridization data. The name sp. nov. with the type strain LMG 23360 (=BD 878=NCPPB 4036=CMC6) is proposed to accommodate these strains. The new combinations (Kageyama 1992) comb. nov. (type strain, SHS 2003=ATCC 31623=BD 875=CCUG 30156=CIP 105599=DSM 13699=JCM 8882=LMG 22049), (Kageyama 1992) comb. nov. (type strain, SHS 2006=ATCC 31626=BD 876=CCUG 30159=CIP 105598=DSM 13700=JCM 8885=LMG 22050) and (Kageyama 1992) comb. nov. (type strain, SHS 2008=ATCC 31628=BD 877=CCUG 30161=CIP 105600=DSM 13701=JCM 8887=LMG 22051) are proposed for , and , respectively.


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