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A yellow-coloured bacterium, T41, was isolated from a soil sample of a subtropical rainforest in Nepal. Cells were Gram-reaction-positive, aerobic, non-motile, short rods. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the strain formed a cluster with , , , , , and in the phylum . The strain showed the highest sequence similarity to the type strain of (93.2 %). The major isoprenoid quinone was MK-7 and the predominant cellular fatty acids (>10 %) were iso-15 : 0 (33.8 %), iso-15 : 1 G (13.3 %) and iso-17 : 0 3-OH (12.9 %). The DNA G+C content was 48.1 mol%. On the basis of phenotypic and phylogenetic data and genomic distinctiveness, strain T41 represents a novel species in a new genus in the phylum , for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of is strain T41 (=CGMCC 1.7723 =NBRC 106054).


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