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16S rRNA gene sequenced-based phylogeny indicates that Rhizobacter dauci ATCC 43778T branches within the radiation of Methylibium type strains. A comparative chemotaxonomic study including fatty acid methyl esters, polar lipids and polyamines reveals significant differences that, in combination with the topology of phylogenetic trees, support a dissection of the genus Methylibium. The proposals of this study include the transfer of Methylibium fulvum to the genus Rhizobacter as Rhizobacter fulvus comb. nov. (type strain Gsoil 322T =KCTC 12591T =DSM 19916T) and the reclassification of Methylibium aquaticum as Piscinibacter aquaticus gen. nov., comb. nov. (the type strain of Piscinibacter aquaticus is IMCC1728T =KCCM 42364T =NBRC 102349T =DSM 19915T) and of Methylibium subsaxonicum as Rivibacter subsaxonicus gen. nov., comb. nov. (the type strain of Rivibacter subsaxonicus is BF49T =DSM 19570T =CIP 109700T). As a consequence of these reclassifications, emended descriptions of the genera Methylibium and Rhizobacter are provided.
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