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The taxonomic positions of actinomycete strains ID03-0915 and ID03-0825, isolated from soil on the Indonesian island of Bali, were examined using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. The morphological and chemotaxonomic characteristics of these organisms are typical of the genus . Phylogenetic analyses performed using almost-complete 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that the strains were closely related to and . However, DNA–DNA hybridization and phenotypic characteristics revealed that the strains differed from known species. Therefore, we conclude that strains ID03-0915 and ID03-0825 (=BTCC B-563) represent a novel species of the genus , for which we propose the name sp. nov. The type strain is strain ID03-0915 (=BTCC B-608 =NBRC 104276).


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vol. , part 9, pp. 2158 - 2161

Growth and culture characteristics of strains ID03-0915 and ID03-0825. [PDF](47 KB)

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