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Two bacterial strains, IPL15 and IPL20, isolated from a hexachlorocyclohexane dump site in India, were characterized by using a polyphasic approach. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, both strains belonged to the genus ; highest sequence similarities of strain IPL15 were observed with J1 and BD-c194 (96.2 % in each case) and the highest sequence similarity of strain IPL20 was observed with GH2-10 (98.6 %). Phylogenetic analysis showed the distinct lineages of strains IPL15 and IPL20 among members of the genus . The presence of C 3-OH and C 3-OH fatty acids supported their respective positions within the genus . On the basis of phenotypic characteristics, phylogenetic analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization results, it is concluded that strains IPL15 and IPL20 represent two distinct species of the genus for which the names sp. nov. and sp. nov., respectively, are proposed. The type strains are IPL15 (=CCM 7427=MTCC 8594) and IPL20 (=CCM 7425=MTCC 8590).


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Transmission electron micrographs of cells of strains IPL15 ( sp. nov.) and IPL20 ( sp. nov.) grown on Luria-Bertani agar for 72 h. [PDF](258 KB)


Levels of DNA-DNA hybridization between strain IPL20 and IPL20 ( sp. nov.) and and . [PDF](10 KB)


Cellular fatty acid profiles of strains IPL15 and IPL20 ( sp. nov.), and IPL20 ( sp. nov.) and type strains of recognized members of the genus . [PDF](47 KB)

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