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Strain XM-003T was isolated from a soil sample that originated from the Ximo region in Tibet. Cells of strain XM-003T were Gram-negative-staining, non-motile, irregular-shaped rods and the strain grew optimally at 28 °C and grew at pH 5–8. It contained MK-7 as the major isoprenoid quinone and iso-C15 : 0 and C16 : 1 ω7c and/or iso-C15 : 0 2-OH as the major fatty acids. Flexirubin-type pigments were absent. The DNA G+C content was 43.4 mol%. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of this strain showed the highest sequence similarity of 96.0 % to Mucilaginibacter kameinonensis SCKT. A number of physiological biochemical tests and chemotaxonomic markers indicate that strain XM-003T represents a novel species of the genus Mucilaginibacter, for which the name Mucilaginibacter ximonensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is XM-003T (=CCTCC AB 207094T =KCTC 22437T).
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International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology vol. 59 , part 6, pp. 1447 - 1450
Supplementary Table S1. Differential features of strain XM-003 Tand M. kameinonensis SCK Tin Biolog GN2 and API ZYM tests. [PDF](33 KB)