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The taxonomic position of an actinomycete isolated from a lead-polluted soil in Gansu province, north-west China, was determined by using a polyphasic approach. Chemical and morphological properties of the isolate, designated strain CCNWHX 13-160, were similar to those of streptomycetes. Analysis of the almost complete 16S rRNA gene sequence placed strain CCNWHX 13-160 in the genus where it formed a distinct phyletic line with recognized species. The strain was most similar to NBRC 12904 (98.9 %) and NBRC 12814 (98.8 %). Furthermore, DNA–DNA hybridization studies between the novel isolate and these two strains showed relatedness values of 49.7±0.8 and 43.2±1.1 %, respectively. It is proposed that strain CCNWHX 13-160 (=ACCC 41207=HAMBI 2991) be classified as the type strain of a novel species in the genus , sp. nov. The MIC of Pb for growth of strain CCNWHX 13-160 was 4.0 mM.


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