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A Gram-negative, pale-yellow, non-spore-forming bacterium, motile with single polar flagella, strain E6, was isolated from coastal seawater collected from Tianjin, China, and its taxonomic position was investigated using a polyphasic approach. Strain E6 requires NaCl for growth and grows optimally at pH 8.2 and 36 °C and in the presence of 2.0 % (w/v) NaCl. It is positive for catalase and oxidase, and reduces nitrate to nitrite. The major fatty acids (>10 %) are C 7 (64.71 %) and 11-methyl C 7 (12.38 %), the ubiquinone system is Q-10 and the DNA G+C content is 53.1 mol%. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that strain E6 represented a new lineage in the and is related to genera , , and . Strain E6 shows highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity (93.3 %) to CL-GR60 and less than 92.2 % similarity to other relatives. It can be differentiated from its closest phylogenetic neighbours on the basis of several phenotypic features, including nitrate reduction, assimilation of -glucose, -arabinose, -mannose, mannitol and maltose and major fatty acid composition. A polyphasic analysis supported the conclusion that strain E6 represents a novel genus and species of the family , for which the name gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain of is E6 (=CGMCC 1.7002 =JCM 15144).


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Transmission electron micrograph of a cell of strain E6 grown on MA at 30 °C for 24 h. Bar, 1 µm.


Comparison of fatty acid profiles of strain E6 and related strains. [PDF](67 KB)

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