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A Gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, moderately halophilic bacterium, strain ND1-1, was isolated from fermented fish () in Thailand. The cells were curved rods, motile and non-endospore-forming. The novel strain grew optimally at 37 °C, at pH 8 and in the presence of 9−10 % (w/v) NaCl. The predominant respiratory lipoquinone was Q-8. The major cellular fatty acids were C and C. Polar lipid analysis revealed the presence of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and diphosphatidylglycerol. The DNA G+C content was 49.0 mol%. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses indicated that strain ND1-1 was closely related to , which comprises three subspecies, and with gene sequence similarities of 98.3–98.6 %. Strain ND1-1 showed low levels of DNA–DNA relatedness with subsp. JCM 15095 (33.2 %), subsp. DSM 16359 (38.4 %), subsp. JCM 15096 (59.7 %), and AF-2004 (42.1 %). On the basis of the physiological and biochemical characteristics and the molecular data presented, strain ND1-1 should be classified as a novel species of the genus for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is ND1-1 (=JCM 14472=PCU 301=TISTR 1810).


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Maximum-parsimony phylogenetic tree showing the relationships between strain ND1-1 , species of the genus and related taxa based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. [ PDF] 41 KB


Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree showing the relationships between strain ND1-1 , species of the genus and related taxa based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. [ PDF] 42 KB

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