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A novel endophytic actinomycete, designated strain NEAU-TX2-2, was isolated from moss and characterized using a polyphasic approach. The isolate was found to have morphological characteristics typical of the genus . The isolate formed longitudinally paired spores on the tips of short sporophores that branched from aerial hyphae. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence supported the assignment of the novel strain to the genus , and strain NEAU-TX2-2 exhibited 99.08 and 98.62 % gene sequence similarities to JCM 3021 and JCM 3006, respectively. However two tree-making algorithms supported the position that strain NEAU-TX2-2 formed a distinct clade with JCM 3006. A low level of DNA–DNA relatedness allowed the isolate to be differentiated from JCM 3021 and JCM 3006. Moreover, strain NEAU-TX2-2 could also be distinguished from its closest phylogenetic relatives by morphological and physiological characteristics. Therefore, it is proposed that strain NEAU-TX2-2 represents a novel species of the genus for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is NEAU-TX2-2 ( = CGMCC 4.7138 = DSM 46710).

This study was supported by the:
  • National Outstanding Youth Foundation (Award 31225024)
  • National Key Project for Basic Research (Award 2010CB126102)
  • National Key Technology R&D Program (Award 2012BAD19B06)
  • Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (Award NCET-11-0953)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (Award 31471832, 31071750, 31171913 and 31372006)
  • Outstanding Youth Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (Award JC201201)
  • Chang Jiang Scholar Candidates Program for Provincial Universities in Heilongjiang (Award CSCP)
  • Heilongjiang Provincial Educational Commission (Award 12541001)
  • Youth Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (Award QC2014C013)

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