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In this study, the phylogenetic relationships between the two biovars and 14 serovars of were studied using the sequences of four different genes or genetic regions, namely: 16S rRNA genes; 16S–23S rRNA gene spacer regions; urease gene subunits , partial and adjoining regions upstream of spacer and spacer the 5′-ends of the multiple-banded antigen (MBA) genes. genotypes, based on all four genomic sequences, could be clearly separated into two clusters corresponding with currently recognized biovars 1 and 2. Sequences were generally conserved within each biovar. However, there was heterogeneity within the 5′-end regions of the MBA genes of the four serovas of biovar 1; the sequence of serovar 3 was identical with the previously published sequence and differed by only three bases from that of serovar 14 but there were significant differences between the sequences of serovars 3 a 14 and those of serovars 1 and 6. Based on the phylogenetic analysis, support i: given to previous recommendations that the two biovars of be classified as distinct species, namely and for biovars and 2, respectively. In the future, the relationship between the new species and clinical manifestations of ureaplasma infections should be studied.


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