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In a study of the classification of members of the family , the polyamine patterns of 101 strains were analyzed. These strains included the type strains of species belonging to the genera , and and additional strains of selected species, as well as numerous unnamed strains. Members of the genus sensu stricto were characterized by the presence of 1,3-diaminopropane as the predominant compound. In the majority of the species of the genus sensu stricto 1,3-diaminopropane was also the major compound in the polyamine pattern. In contrast, subsp. and were characterized by high levels of 1,3-diaminopropane, cadaverine, and putrescine. These results confirmed the findings of Dewhirst et al. (F. E. Dewhirst, B. J. Paster, I. Olsen, and G. J. Fraser, Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenkd. Infektionskr. Hyg. Abt. 1 Orig. 279:35–44, 1993), who demonstrated that is phylogenetically only distantly related to the type species of the genus . The phylogenetic diversity of the genus sensu stricto determined by Dewhirst et al. was also reflected to some extent by different polyamine patterns. The common characteristics found in , and sp. strain B were high levels of putrescine and spermidine and the presence of the unusual triamine -norspermidine. , and contained high concentrations of 1,3-diaminopropane and spermidine. contained only high concentrations of 1,3-diaminopropane, and was characterized by the presence of 1,3-diaminopropane as the predominant compound and high levels of putrescine and spermidine. Our data demonstrate that polyamine patterns are useful for discrimination within the family .


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