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16S rRNA gene sequences of the type strains of the seven previously described species were determined. The species were found to form a tight phylogenetic cluster within the subphylum of the gram-positive bacteria. Within this subphylum these organisms belong to cluster XV as defined by Collins et al. (M. D. Collins, P. A. Lawson, A. Willems, J. J. Cordoba, J. Fernandez-Garayzabal, P. Garcia, J. Cai, H. Hippe, and J. A. E. Farrow, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 44:812-826, 1994) together with , and . Our data indicate that cluster XV consists of at least the following three genera: The genus , the genus sensu stricto (comprising , and ), and the genus gen. nov., which is created for , which we reclassify as comb. nov.


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