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A thermophilic, glucose-fermenting, strictly anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium, strain SEBR 6459(T = type strain), was isolated from an African oil-producing well. This organism was identified as a member of the genus on the basis of the presence of the typical outer sheath-like structure (toga) and 16S rRNA signature sequences and its ability to grow on carbohydrates (glucose, arabinose, fructose, lactose, maltose, and xylose). Major differences in its 16S rRNA gene sequence, its lower optimum temperature for growth (66°C), its sodium chloride range for growth (0 to 2.8%), its lack of lactate as an end product from glucose fermentation, and its peritrichous flagella indicate that strain SEBR 6459is not similar to the three previously described species. Furthermore, this organism does not belong to any of the other genera related to the order that have been described. On the basis of these findings, we propose that this strain should be described as a new species, . The type strain of is SEBR 6459 (= DSM 9442).


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