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Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness studies (SI nuclease method) showed that 60 strains proposed as form a homogeneous deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization group. Three strains labeled -like were 9 to 22% related to . . A total of 74 strains representing known species and genera in the were 0 to 8% related to . . These findings support designation of as a new genus and new species. This new species in the family is composed of strains which produce HS; hydrolyze urea and -nitrophenyl-β--galactopyranoside; do not produce acid from trehalose, -mannose, glycerol, sucrose, maltose, and -melibiose; do not decarboxylate lysine, ornithine, or arginine; do not produce phenylalanine deaminase; and have complex growth factor requirements. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the deoxyribonucleic acid is 46 mol%. The type strain is strain 20186HG01 (= ATCC 25567).


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