
The aim of the present study was to solve the taxonomic problems of haemophili of porcine origin hitherto classified as Pittman 1953 or Shope 1964. Forty-seven strains isolated mainly from pneumonic lesions in pigs and of different geographic origin were subjected to biochemical and serological examinations. All strains were V dependent and urease positive, and the majority were beta-hemolytic. For comparison, nine beta-hemolytic and V-dependent strains isolated from humans were examined. The porcine strains were divisible into two distinct groups on the basis of their biochemical characteristics, hemolytic activity, and deoxyribonucleic acid base composition. Both groups of porcine organisms were separated from the beta-hemolytic strains of human origin, previously named , by a significant number of biochemical and cultural characteristics and thus should not be classified with these. Following the rule of priority of proposed names, the correct name for the major group of porcine organisms is (Matthews and Pattison 1961) Shope 1964. The species is described in detail and a neotype strain (Shope 4074) is proposed. The minor group of porcine strains possibly deserves specific recognition, but a recommendation with regard to this matter is deferred pending further studies.


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