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A revision of the family Buchanan is proposed. It is requested that the Judicial Commission issue an Opinion placing the generic names Winogradsky, Winogradsky, and Winogradsky on the list of rejected names as Organisms currently placed in these genera are to be transferred to other genera or their names are to be regarded as later, subjective synonyms of other names or as . Thus Watson will be transferred to as (Watson) Starkey is to be regarded as a synonym of (Migula) Buchanan, Nelson, a synonym of Winogradsky, Winogradsky and Winogradsky, a synonym of Winogradsky and Winogradsky, and Winogradsky, (Winogradsky) Winogradsky, and Nelson as later, subjective synonyms of Winslow et al.; Winogradsky, Winogradsky, Winogradsky, and (Winogradsky) Starkey are to be regarded as . The Judicial Commission is requested, therefore, to issue an Opinion placing these (names whose application is uncertain) on the list of rejected names. The type strain of , ATCC 25196, is described. The following strains are described and are here designated as type strains: ATCC 19707, ATCC 25380, and ATCC 25379. The following strains are described and are here designated as neotypes: ATCC 25978, ATCC 25961, and ATCC 25391.


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