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The sequence of 50 625 bp of chromosomal DNA derived from Shiga-toxin (Stx)-producing (STEC) O111 : H strain 1639/77 was determined. This DNA fragment contains the cryptic Stx1-encoding prophage CP-1639 and its flanking chromosomal regions. The genome of CP-1639 basically resembles that of lambdoid phages in structure, but contains three IS elements, one of which disrupts the gene of a tail fibre component. The prophage genome lacks parts of the recombination region including integrase and excisionase genes. Moreover, a capsid protein gene is absent. CP-1639 is closely associated with an integrase gene of an ancient integrative element. This element consists of three ORFs of unknown origin and a truncated integrase gene homologous to of CP4-57. By PCR analysis and sequencing, it was shown that this integrative element is present in a number of non-O157 STEC serotypes and in non-STEC strains, where it is located at the 3′-end of the chromosomal gene. Whereas in most O111 : H strains, prophages are inserted in this site, O26 strains contain the integrative element not connected to a prophage. In O103 strains, the genetic structure of this region is variable. Comparison of DNA sequences of this particular site in O157 : H7 strain EDL933, O111 : H strain 1639/77 and K-12 strain MG1655 showed that the gene is associated in all cases with the presence of foreign DNA. The results of this study have shown that the cryptic prophage CP-1639 is associated with an integrative element at a particular site in the chromosome that possesses high genetic variability.


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