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The type I restriction–modification () systems of 73 strains were characterized according to their DNA and amino acid sequences, and/or gene organization. A number of new genes were identified which are not present in the sequenced strain NCTC 11168. The closely related organism has three type I systems; however, no evidence was found that strains contain multiple type I systems, although loci are present in at least two different chromosomal locations. Also, unlike , intervening ORFs are present, in some strains, between and and between and . No definitive function can be ascribed to these ORFs, designated here as (-inked RF) and (-inked RF). Based on parsimony analysis of amino acid sequences to assess character relatedness, the type I R–M systems are assigned to one of three families: ‘IAB’, ‘IC’ or ‘IF’. This study confirms that HsdM proteins within a family are highly conserved but share little homology with HsdM proteins from other families. The ‘IC’ loci are >99 % identical at the nucleotide level, as are the ‘IF’ loci. Additionally, whereas the nucleotide sequences of the ‘IAB’ and genes show a high degree of similarity, the nucleotide sequences of the ‘IAB’ and genes vary considerably. This diversity suggests that recombination between ‘IAB’ loci would lead not only to new alleles but also to the exchange of genes; five loci are presumably the result of such recombination. The importance of these findings with regard to the evolution of type I R–M systems is discussed.


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