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HP1043 of is an orphan response regulator (RR) with a highly degenerate receiver sequence incapable of phosphorylation, which is essential for cell viability. In contrast, the orthologous RR protein of , an enterohepatic species mainly isolated from poultry, harbours a consensus receiver sequence and is associated with a cognate histidine kinase (HK). Here, we show that this two-component system of , denoted HPMG439/HPMG440, is involved in the control of nitrogen metabolism by regulating the expression of glutamate dehydrogenase, an AmtB ammonium transporter and a P protein. However, the role of the RR HPMG439 is not restricted to nitrogen regulation since, in contrast with the HK HPMG440, HPMG439 is essential for growth of under nutrient-rich conditions.


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