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Triacylglycerol (TAG) and starch produced by micro-algae are potential sources of biofuel. Our previous studies showed that the unicellular green alga, NIES-2212, which is a rare species of that possesses phosphatidylcholine (PC), is a seed organism for the development of biofuel producers. This alga accumulates large amounts of TAG and starch under completely photo-autotrophic conditions during stationary phase without nutrient deprivation. The present study was performed to optimize the growth conditions of this alga with regard to light intensity and CO concentration to improve the efficiency of TAG and starch production. The growth rate of was greater at higher light intensity, although there was no significant difference in the final cell density of the culture. The highest contents of TAG and starch, approximately 200 fmol cell and 600 pg cell, respectively, were achieved with a light intensity of 200 µmol m s bubbled with air containing 5.0 % CO. These results suggest that optimization of light intensity and CO concentration can enhance the productivity of TAG and starch by NIES-2212.


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