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SUMMARY: -Methylthreonine (OM) inhibits multiplication and photosynthetic pigment synthesis in and ; it does not inhibit or . Inhibition of multiplication and pigment synthesis may be prevented by -isoleucine. OM also causes the permanent loss of chlorophyll and appreciable loss of carotenoids in and this may be prevented by -isoleucine, α-aminobutyric acid, α-ketobutyric acid, -threonine, -homoserine, or -methionine. α-Ketobutyric acid is most effective on a molar basis and is therefore postulated to be the target of OM inhibition.

Isoleucine plays a role in the biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments and lipids in , for the incorporation of C--isoleucine radioactivity into both the pigments and lipids is markedly diminished by bleaching agents which prevent pigment synthesis without affecting multiplication, i.e. -methylthreonine or streptomycin. When pigment synthesis is blocked amino acids accumulate in the culture supernate.


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