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-Fructofuranosidase activity was found to be cell-bound in ATCC 903. The following evidence suggests that induction functions as a regulatory mechanism for -fructofuranosidase in : (1) on transfer of glucose-grown exponential phase bacteria to sucrose medium, the specific activity of -fructofuranosidase increased fourfold in the course of one generation; (2) other sugars had no stimulatory effect on the rate of synthesis of -fructofuranosidase; (3) the effect of sucrose on the rate of synthesis of -fructofuranosidase could be measured within a few minutes. Glucose, fructose and mannose repressed -fructofuranosidase. The addition of glucose to bacteria growing on sucrose repressed -fructofuranosidase for about one generation. The intracellular concentration of glucose was considerably increased during repression, while the intracellular concentrations of glycolytic intermediates did not vary significantly.


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