
There is increasing recognition of the emerging role of manganese regulation and acquisition in some pathogenic bacteria. Expression of the endocarditis-associated virulence factor EfaA is induced by growth in serum. It is demonstrated here that expression of the operon encoding a putative ABC-type transporter is regulated by Mn. Transcription of and EfaA production were repressed in Mn-supplemented medium. A Mn-responsive transcriptional regulator, EfaR, sharing 27 % identity with the diphtheria toxin repressor (DtxR), was identified. In the presence of Mn, EfaR protein bound to the promoter region. Analysis of the V583 genome revealed ten additional putative EfaR-binding sites, suggesting that manganese availability could have a broader regulatory role in infection. The results identify a new Mn-sensing regulator in enterococci that regulates the expression of a virulence factor implicated in enterococcal endocarditis.


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