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Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a central nervous system infection caused by a flavivirus [tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV)], transmitted by ticks and endemic in a large region in Eurasia. We collected 2411 ticks from Finland and Russia in 2003–2008, screened them for TBEV by RT-PCR and isolated and analysed eight strains belonging to all three TBEV subtypes; in addition, we obtained two European-subtype strains from human serum samples. TBEV RNA prevalence in unengorged ticks was approximately 1 % both in the northernmost TBE-endemic areas of Europe in Finland and Russian Karelia, and in Siberia in Buryatia. In Finland, both and ticks were found from distinct areas and, in Russian Karelia, were overlapping in the same study site. TBEV E and NS3 gene sequences obtained showed a variability of 0–4 % within European-subtype strains, 2–9 % for Siberian-subtype strains and 3–13 % for Far Eastern-subtype strains.


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vol. , part 11, pp. 2706–2712

Patient serum virus-isolation experiments

Virus strains used in phylogenetic analyses

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