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The entomopathogenic fungus () holds much promise as a pest biological control agent. produces at least three single cell infectious propagules, including aerial conidia, vegetative cells termed blastospores and submerged conidia, that display different morphological, biochemical and virulence properties. Populations of aerial conidia, blastospores and submerged conidia were produced on agar plates, rich liquid broth cultures and under conditions of nutrient limitation in submerged cultures, respectively. cDNA libraries were generated from mRNA isolated from each cell type and ∼2500 5′ end sequences were determined from each library. Sequences derived from aerial conidia clustered into 284 contigs and 963 singlets, with those derived from blastospores and submerged conidia forming 327 contigs with 788 singlets, and 303 contigs and 1079 contigs, respectively. Almost half (40–45 %) of the sequences in each library displayed either no significant similarity ( value >10) or similarity to hypothetical proteins found in the NCBI database. The expressed sequence tag dataset also included sequences representing a significant portion of proteins in cellular metabolism, information storage and processing, transport and cell processes, including cell division and posttranslational modifications. Transcripts encoding a diverse array of pathogenicity-related genes, including proteases, lipases, esterases, phosphatases and enzymes producing toxic secondary metabolites, were also identified. Comparative analysis between the libraries identified 2416 unique sequences, of which 20–30 % were unique to each library, and only ∼6 % of the sequences were shared between all three libraries. The unique and divergent representation of the transcriptome in the cDNA libraries from each cell type suggests robust differential gene expression profiles in response to environmental conditions.


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