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The gene encoding Dam methyltransferase of was mutagenized by the insertion of a chloramphenicol-resistance cassette into the middle of the Dam coding sequence. This mutant construct was introduced into the chromosome by transformation and selection for Cam transformants. The authors have shown that several phenotypic properties, resistance to antibiotics, dyes and detergent as well as efficiency of transformation, depend on the Dam methylation state of the DNA. Although the major role of the methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) system is to repair postreplicative errors, it seems that in its effect is more apparent in repairing DNA damage caused by oxidative compounds. In the mutant treated with hydrogen peroxide, MMR is not targeted to newly replicated DNA strands and therefore mismatches are converted into single- and double-strand DNA breaks. This is shown by the increased peroxide sensitivity of the mutant and the finding that the sensitivity can be suppressed by a mutation inactivating MMR. In the mutant treated with nitrofurazone the resulting damage is not converted into DNA breaks but the high sensitivity is also suppressed by a mutation.


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