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The P signal transduction proteins GlnB and GlnK are uridylylated/deuridylylated in response to the intracellular glutamine level, the primary signal of the cellular nitrogen status. Furthermore, GlnB was shown to be allosterically regulated by 2-oxoglutarate, and thus GlnB was suggested to integrate signals of the cellular carbon and nitrogen status. Receptors of GlnB signal transduction in are the NtrB/NtrC two-component system and GlnE, an enzyme which adenylylates/deadenylylates glutamine synthetase. In this study, the authors investigated the effect of different carbon sources on the expression of the NtrC-dependent genes and and on the uridylylation status of GlnB and GlnK. With glutamine as nitrogen source, high levels of and expression were obtained when glucose was used as carbon source, but expression was strongly decreased when the cells were grown with poor carbon sources or when cAMP was present. This response correlated with the uridylylation status of GlnB, suggesting that the carbon/cAMP effect was mediated through GlnB uridylylation, a conclusion that was confirmed by mutants of the P signalling pathway. When glutamine was replaced by low concentrations of ammonium as nitrogen source, neither expression nor GlnB uridylylation responded to the carbon source or to cAMP. Furthermore, glutamine synthetase could be rapidly adenylylated by the external addition of glutamine; however, this occurred only when cells were grown in the presence of cAMP, not in its absence. Together, these results suggest that poor carbon sources, through cAMP signalling, favour glutamine uptake. The cellular glutamine signal is then transduced by uridylyltransferase and GlnB to modulate NtrC-dependent gene expression.


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