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This paper describes two mutants ( and ) specifically disturbed in the regulation of the arabinanase system in response to the presence of -arabinose. Expression of the three known -arabinose-induced arabinanolytic genes, , and , was substantially decreased or absent in the and strains compared to the wild-type when incubated in the presence of -arabinose or -arabitol. In addition, the intracellular activities of -arabitol dehydrogenase and -arabinose reductase, involved in -arabinose catabolism, were decreased in the and strains. Finally, the data show that the gene encoding -xylulose kinase, , is also under control of the arabinanolytic regulatory system. -Arabitol, most likely the true inducer of the arabinanolytic and -arabinose catabolic genes, accumulated to a high intracellular concentration in the and mutants. This indicates that the decrease of expression of the arabinanolytic genes was not due to lack of inducer accumulation. Therefore, it is proposed that the and mutations are localized in positive-acting components of the regulatory system involved in the expression of the arabinanase-encoding genes and the genes encoding the -arabinose catabolic pathway.


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