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In this manuscript, the authors have sought to gain a better understanding of the interactions between and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from Rogossa MRS agar along the digestive tract of grain- and forage-fed cattle. from cattle receiving a high-grain diet were more numerous (<0·05) than from the high-forage diet and the highest numbers were in the faeces. Isolates on Rogossa MRS agar were always greater in the high-grain diet (<0·05) and contained a significant number of LAB. A random set of Rogossa MRS agar colonies was selected and artificial neural networks were used to develop a relationship between colony description and species which was validated using sequence analysis (16S rDNA). The neural networks correctly predicted species in more than 80 % of cases and was composed, primarily, of , , , , and . In conjunction with statistical diversity indices, it was demonstrated that diversity in the high-fibre diet was always lower and was a consequence of the dominance of . In contrast, the diversity in the high-grain diet was greater (<0·05) and was a consequence of the decline in . These data demonstrate that there is a positive relationship between coliform and LAB isolates throughout the digestive tract of cattle, and diet is the major factor regulating bacterial composition.


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