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Previous studies have shown that requires the outer-membrane, multicopper protein OmpB for Fe(III) oxide reduction. A homologue of OmpB, designated OmpC, which is 36 % similar to OmpB, has been discovered in the genome. Deletion of inhibited reduction of insoluble, but not soluble Fe(III). Analysis of multiple and genomes, as well as , indicated that genes encoding multicopper proteins are conserved in species but are not found in species. Levels of transcripts were similar in at different growth rates in chemostats and during growth on a microbial fuel cell anode. In contrast, transcript levels increased at higher growth rates in chemostats and with increasing current production in fuel cells. Constant levels of transcripts were detected in groundwater during a field experiment in which acetate was added to the subsurface to promote uranium bioremediation. In contrast, transcript levels increased during the rapid phase of growth of species following addition of acetate to the groundwater and then rapidly declined. These results demonstrate that more than one multicopper protein is required for optimal Fe(III) oxide reduction in and suggest that, in environmental studies, quantifying OmpB/OmpC-related genes could help alleviate the problem that genes may be inadvertently quantified via quantitative analysis of 16S rRNA genes. Furthermore, comparison of differential expression of and may provide insight into the metabolic state of species in environments of interest.


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