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In the yeast , the pyruvate decarboxylase gene is strongly regulated at the transcription level by different environmental factors. Sugars and hypoxia act as inducers of transcription, while ethanol acts as a repressor. Their effects are mediated by gene products, some of which have been characterized. transcription is also strongly repressed by its product – KlPdc1 – through a mechanism called autoregulation. We performed a genetic screen that allowed us to select and identify the regulatory gene as a major factor in the transcriptional activity of the promoter in the absence of the KlPdc1 protein, i.e. in the autoregulatory mechanism. We also showed that the two proteins Rag3 and KlPdc1 interact, co-localize in the cell and that KlPdc1 may control Rag3 nuclear localization.

This study was supported by the:
  • Sapienza Università di Roma (Award C26A11HTH2 and C26A10J75W)

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