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Sulphite is widely used as a preservative in foods and beverages for its antimicrobial and antioxidant activities, particularly in winemaking where SO is frequently added. Thus, sulphite resistance mechanisms have been extensively studied in the fermenting yeast Sulphite detoxification, involving a plasma membrane protein encoded by the gene, is the most efficient resistance mechanism in In this study, we characterized the unusual expression pattern of in the wine strain 71B. We provide, for the first time, evidence of induction by sulphite. The study of expression during fermentation and in different growth conditions showed that sulphite is the main regulator of expression, explaining its specific pattern. Combining analyses of gene expression and growth behaviour in response to sulphite, we found that 71B displayed unique behavioural patterns in response to sulphite pre-adaptation that may be explained by changes in expression. Examination of the genomic organization of the locus and sequencing of the region revealed three different alleles in 71B, two of which corresponded to translocated VIII–XVI forms. The lack of differences between promoter regions suggests that this inducible expression pattern is due to modification of regulatory/signalling pathways.


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