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Regulation of the flagellar gene cascade involves the transcription factors (RpoN), employed for expression of genes required midway through flagellar assembly, and (FliA), required for expression of late genes. Previous studies revealed that mutations in genes encoding components of the flagellar protein export apparatus block expression of the RpoN and FliA regulons. FlhB is a membrane-bound component of the export apparatus that possesses a large cytoplasmic domain (FlhB). The hook length control protein FliK interacts with FlhB to modulate the substrate specificity of the export apparatus. FlhB undergoes autocleavage as part of the switch in substrate specificity. Consistent with previous reports, deletion of in interfered with expression of RpoN-dependent reporter genes, while deletion of stimulated expression of these reporter genes. In the Δ mutant, disrupting did not restore expression of RpoN-dependent reporter genes, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of the Δ mutation is not due to the inability to export FliK. Amino acid substitutions (N265A and P266G) at the putative autocleavage site of FlhB prevented processing of FlhB and export of filament-type substrates. The FlhB variants supported wild-type expression of RpoN- and FliA-dependent reporter genes. In the strain producing FlhB, expression of RpoN- and FliA-dependent reporter genes was inhibited when was disrupted. In contrast, expression of these reporter genes was unaffected or slightly stimulated when was disrupted in the strain producing FlhB. HP1575 (FlhX) shares homology with the C-terminal portion of FlhB (FlhB) and can substitute for FlhB in flagellar assembly. Disrupting inhibited expression of a reporter gene in the wild-type but not in the Δ mutant or strains producing FlhB variants, suggesting a role for FlhX or FlhB in normal expression of the RpoN regulon. Taken together, these data indicate that the mechanism by which the flagellar protein export apparatus exerts control over the RpoN regulon is complex and involves more than simply switching substrate specificity of the flagellar protein export apparatus.


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