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Bacteria initiate translation using a modified amino acid, -formylmethionine (fMet), adapted specifically for this function. Most proteins are processed co-translationally by peptide deformylase (PDF) to remove this modification. Although PDF activity is essential in WT cells and is the target of the antibiotic actinonin, bypass mutations in the gene that eliminate the formylation of Met-tRNA render PDF dispensable. The extent to which the emergence of bypass mutations might compromise the therapeutic utility of actinonin is determined, in part, by the effects of these bypass mutations on fitness. Here, we characterize the phenotypic consequences of an null mutation in the model organism . An null mutant is defective for several post-exponential phase adaptive programmes including antibiotic resistance, biofilm formation, swarming and swimming motility and sporulation. In addition, a survey of well-characterized stress responses reveals an increased sensitivity to metal ion excess and oxidative stress. These diverse phenotypes presumably reflect altered synthesis or stability of key proteins involved in these processes.


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