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In the aerobic bacterium , growth and regulation of enzymes involved in nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) degradation have been investigated in chemostat culture during cultivation with glucose, NTA or mixtures thereof. In batch culture μ with NTA was 0.18 h and with glucose 0.22 h. Growth yields for both substrates were reduced at low dilution rates. During growth with NTA specific activity of the NTA monooxygenase (NTA-MO) exhibited a maximum at = 0.03 h and gradually decreased with increasing dilution rates. In glucose-grown cells the specific activity as well as immunologically detectable NTA-MO protein was always close to the detection limit. During cultivation with different mixtures of NTA and glucose at a dilution rate of 0.06 h, both substrates were utilized simultaneously, irrespective of the NTA/glucose ratio and the presence of excess ammonia. Synthesis of both NTA-MO and iminodiacetic acid dehydrogenase became induced when NTA contributed to more than approximately 1-3% of the total carbon in the substrate mixture supplied. However, NTA was also degraded when the proportion of NTA in the mixture was lower than 1%, which is consistent with the low constitutive level of expression for NTA-MO observed. Results are discussed with respect to NTA biodegradation during sewage treatment and in ecosystems.


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