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SUMMARY: With the aid of abrasives, paracrinkle virus, hitherto transmitted only by grafting, was transmitted to Arran Victory potatoes by inoculation with sap from infected plants, either symptomless King Edward or diseased Arran Victory. The proportion of plants that became infected was increased when they were kept in darkness for some days before inoculation.

Tomato plants were more readily infected than Arran Victory potatoes, no abrasive being needed. Infected tomatoes were symptomless, but electron microscopy showed their sap to contain rod-shaped particles of variable lengths and about 10 m. wide. Such particles have not been found in uninfected tomatoes and they are presumed to be the virus; they were destroyed by heating at 60°.

The nature of similar particles in King Edward and Arran Victory potatoes with paracrinkle is uncertain, because rod-shaped particles were also found in uninfected Arran Victory. Rod-shaped particles also occurred in uninfected plants of all other potato varieties examined and in newly raised potato seedlings; they were not transmitted, either by inoculation or by grafting, to tomato or other hosts tested, and they withstood heating to 98°.

These results with paracrinkle parallel those with certain other plant viruses. They invalidate theories that postulate its origin as a consequence of grafting and render unnecessary the concept that it is intrinsic to King Edward potatoes.


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