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Summary: Polysaccharides obtained from twelve previously unextracted Shigella strains were hydrolysed and analysed chromatographically to determine their hexose constituents. The polysaccharides extracted from eight strains of the Flexner group (NCTC strains 3, 4833, 8205, 8206, 8201, 8207, 2245 and 4839), all contained the same hexose constituents, namely glucosamine, glucose and rhamnose. Shigella shigae (NCTC 8005) polysaccharide contained glucosamine, galactose and rhamnose. S. sonnei (NCTC 8220) polysaccharide contained glucosamine, galactose and glucose. S. schmitzi (NCTC 8218) polysaccharide contained glucosamine, galactose, glucose and rhamnose. S. alkalescens (NCTC 7925) polysaccharide contained glucosamine, galactosamine, glucose and galactose.
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