
A nonpigmented mutant of was constructed by using transposon mutagenesis. The mutant possessed the transposon DNA at the novel gene . Gene targeted mutagenesis revealed that was responsible for pigmentation. The gene shared similarities with genes of the family, the products of which are now considered to be transaminases involved in biosynthesis of sugar portions of cell-surface polysaccharides and aminoglycosides. The mutant showed a pleiotropic phenotype: delayed maturation of fimbrillin, preferential presence of Rgp and Kgp proteinases in culture supernatants, and no haemagglutination. The mutant had altered phenol extractable polysaccharide compared to the sibling strain. A mAb, 1B5, that reacts with sugar portions of cell surface polysaccharide and membrane-type Rgp proteinase showed no reaction with the cell lysates of the mutant. These results indicate that is involved in biosynthesis of cell surface polysaccharide that may function as an anchorage for Rgp, Kgp, haemagglutinins and the haemoglobin receptor protein.


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