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SUMMARY: The germination pattern of six species of fungi on synthetic soil containing antibiotic-producing or non-antibiotic-producing micro-organisms was similar to that on natural soil. Sterilization by autoclaving destroyed the fungistatic effect of both natural and synthetic soils. Mixed microorganisms were more effective than bacteria, actinomycetes or fungi alone in inducing fungistasis in synthetic soil. The percentage germination of Exserohilum rostratum and Bipolaris maydis on both natural and synthetic soils increased with increase in the proportion of silica sand added. Bacteriostasis, actinostasis and fungistasis occurred concurrently in the synthetic soil, which also induced lysis of mycelia of Neurospora tetrasperma. Preincubation on natural or synthetic soil rendered nutrient agarose blocks incapable of supporting germination of nutrient-dependent fungi without reducing their ability to support germination of nutrient-independent fungi. Individual groups of micro-organisms were not as effective as mixed micro-organisms in causing diffusion of nutrients from agarose blocks to synthetic soil.
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