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API 20E, API ZYM and eight other enzymic API systems were tested on 123 strains belonging to 18 Erwinia species, six Enterobacter agglomerans strains and 22 reference strains belonging to other phytopathogenic genera and other enterobacterial species. The data obtained, from a total of 130 tests, were subjected to numerical analysis. Test reproducibility within the API 20E system varied from 88 to 100%. The numerical analysis revealed 12 phenons; in six of these phenons two or three subphenons could be differentiated. Several of these (sub)phenons corresponded to established Erwinia species and could be differentiated from each other by 25 characters. No clearcut distinction could be made between the ‘amylovora’, ‘carotovora’ and ‘herbicola’ groups. Seven phenons were further analysed with the API 50CHE system. The results provided evidence for the retention of Er. quercina, Er. nigrifluens, Er. salicis, Er. amylovora, Er. rubrifaciens, Er. mallotivora, Er. stewartii, Er. cypripedii and Er. chrysanthemi as separate taxa and supported the synonymy within the pairs Er. ananas and Er. uredovora, Er. dissolvens and Enterobacter cloacae, Er. carotovora subsp. atroseptica and Er. carotovora subsp. carotovora, Er. milletiae and one of the Er. herbicola clusters. The inadequacy of the present classification of several Erwinia species, such as Er. herbicola and Er. rhapontici, is highlighted. The results show that API systems are a useful and rapid alternative to conventional phenotypical testing for the classification and identification of Erwinia species.
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