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, considered to be a pathogen for dental caries, is known to cause bacteraemia and infective endocarditis. Herein, an unusual case of repeated bacteraemia caused by identified in a 71-year-old male is described. The patient visited Itami City Hospital with the major complaint of a fever, and a subsequent clinical examination led to a diagnosis of possible infective endocarditis without specific vegetation formation around the heart valve. A bacteriological examination of blood taken at the first visit showed the presence of . Antimicrobial treatment was provided, which successfully eliminated the pathogenic bacteria from the blood. However, the patient returned and was hospitalized twice more with a recurrent fever, and was again detected. Analyses of the biological properties of the isolates showed that they possessed cariogenic properties and had a low susceptibility to phagocytosis by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Since the patient had Sjögren's syndrome, in which a reduction of saliva secretion is a characteristic feature, a great number of dental caries lesions were identified. The findings indicated that present in those dental caries lesions caused repeated bacteraemia in this case.


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