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Analysis of 163 putative isolates from Canada and the USA showed biochemical reactions consistent with species, although none of the isolates reacted with antiserum raised against any of the well-established or provisional serotypes. All these isolates, provisionally designated serotype SH108, were positive for the gene and the invasion-associated locus. All fermented mannitol, were serologically indistinguishable from each other and showed no reaction in antisera prepared against serotypes O1 to O181. PCR-RFLP analysis of the genes involved in O-antigen synthesis revealed a common pattern among these isolates that was distinct from recognized serotypes and . Between 1999 and 2003, isolates from across Canada were submitted to the National Laboratory for Enteric Pathogens for antibiotic susceptibility testing, phage typing and PFGE. These assays revealed heterogeneity among the members of this serotype. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing with seven antibiotics identified six profiles, with 90 % (45/50) of the isolates resistant to four or more antibiotics and 72 % (36/50) resistant to five or more. All isolates were typable using a panel of 16 phages, with 11 different phage types (PTs) represented. The most common PTs found were PT 3 (64 %), PT 6 (10 %) and PT 16 (6 %). Analysis of I-restricted genomic DNA revealed 16 highly related patterns that were not readily distinguishable from those obtained for some other serotypes. The World Health Organization Collaborating Center for has added serotype SH108 to the scheme as serotype 20 (serovar nov.). Strain SH108 (isolate 99-4528) is the reference strain for this serotype.


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