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The complex comprises a group of nine closely related species that have emerged as life-threatening pulmonary pathogens in immunocompromised patients, particularly individuals with cystic fibrosis or chronic granulomatous disease. Attempts to explain the genomic plasticity, adaptability and virulence of the complex have paid little attention to bacteriophages, particularly the potential contribution of lysogenic conversion and transduction. In this study, lysogeny was observed in 10 of 20 representative strains of the complex. Three temperate phages and five lytic phages isolated from soils, river sediments or the plant rhizosphere were chosen for further study. Six phages exhibited T-even morphology and two were lambda-like. The host range of individual phages, when tested against 66 strains of the complex and a representative panel of other pseudomonads, was not species-specific within the complex and, in some phages, included and . These new data indicate a potential role for phages of the complex in the evolution of these soil bacteria as pathogens of plants, humans and animals, and as novel therapeutic agents.


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