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The genus includes many bacteria that cause serious human infections. As is the case with other Gram-negative bacteria, species produce LPS, which is an abundant component of the bacterial cell surface. complex (Bcc) bacteria (which include at least 17 separate species) produce LPS structures that are quite different. In an attempt to determine the degree of LPS epitope variation among Bcc species, a mAb was produced, designated 5D8, specific for the LPS of . Western blot analysis determined that mAb 5D8 was able to produce the classic ‘ladder pattern’ when used to probe and lysates, although 5D8 did not produce this pattern with the other seven Bcc species tested. mAb 5D8 reacted with varying intensity to most but not all of the additional and strains tested. Therefore, there seems to be significant epitope variation among Bcc LPS both between and within species. Additionally, mAb 5D8 reacted with a proteinase-K-sensitive 22 kDa antigen in all Bcc strains and also in a strain of .


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