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Multiple strains colonize and coexist in the stomach of one single patient, carrying heterogeneous distributions of genotypes. The oesophagus provides a niche for colonization; however, little is known about its adaptive role.

Using PCR for , and genes from -pathogenicity island (PAI) and Etest for antimicrobial susceptibility test, we determined -PAI genotypes associated with virulence, when positive cultures were matching in both the stomach and the oesophagus (96 isolates; 8 out of 80 dyspeptic patients).

The stomach showed complete -PAI islands in 77 % of the isolates, whereas the oesophagus showed complete -PAI islands only in 44 % of the isolates. Expression of CagA and interleukin 8 correlated with inflammatory processes and histopathological changes in the stomach, but not in the oesophagus. Different -PAI profiles were found in both mucosae of an individual host, and at least one oesophagus profile corresponded to one profile identified in stomach. The antibiotic resistance profiles showed variability in the colonization by single or mixed isolates in the gastric and oesophageal mucosa both intra- and inter-individuals.

These results demonstrate colonization with multiple isolates in the oesophageal mucosa, like those found in the stomach of individual hosts. was characterized by a dominant partial island, low interleukin 8 induction with lower histopathological damage and lower antibiotic resistance, suggesting that the microenvironmental changes in individual hosts select less virulent isolates in the oesophagus than in the stomach. New approaches to ensure effective eradication therapy in multi-resistant strains must be developed.


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